Jo comes from a background in strategy and governance with over two decades in the water industry. She has worked in a range of roles and projects and moved into an executive role in 2015. She brings her experience in inclusion and diversity, people-centred leadership and systems thinking to create environments and partnerships for meaningful change. She is passionate about amplifying the lived experience and voices of those not yet heard and bringing empathy into the way we design products and services.

Currently she chairs the Reconciliation Action Plan Committee at Wannon Water and is a member of various industry groups and networks in the areas of innovation, research and circular economy.

Jo is a graduate of JMW’s Leader of the Future Program, and the Australian Institute of Company Directors course and is both a graduate of the Peter Cullen Trust Women in Water Leadership Program and fellow of the trust.

She uses her leadership and governance expertise to serve the community in her current roles as Chair of Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West and as Deputy Chair and Secretary of Warrnambool and District Food Share.