Wannon Water (Wannon Region Water Corporation) is Victoria’s second largest regional urban water corporation by service area. We are a not-for-profit, statutory corporation established on 1 July 2005, although the history of water reticulation in our region dates back to the 1860s.

Our responsibilities

Our duties are set out in the Water Act 1989 and we deliver Victorian Government policy directions according to their Water for Victoria plan.

We provide services to 34 towns, including residential, commercial, industrial and rural customers. Our primary functions are to:

  • Provide, manage, operate and protect water supply systems. This includes the collection, storage, treatment, transfer and distribution of drinking water.
  • Provide, manage and operate systems to convey, treat and dispose of sewage and (if we so decide) trade waste.
  • Identify and plan future community needs for water supply and sewerage services.
  • Develop and implement programs that conserve water and use it efficiently, and recycle and re-use treated wastewater.
  • Investigate, promote and conduct research into any matters which relate to our functions.
  • Educate the community about our functions.

Our Customer Charter sets out our service standards and conditions, and your rights and obligations as a customer. These have been approved by Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission.

Statements of obligations

Under the Water Industry Act 1994, we’re subject to the following statements of obligations, made by the Minister for Water:

  • Statement of Obligations (General)
  • Statement of Obligations (Emissions Reduction).

More information is available from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.


The Water Act allows us to implement by-laws throughout our service areas. The current by-law active within our service area is Water Restriction By-Law No.6


Public Interest Disclosures Act

Freedom of Information Act

Public Administration Act