Guaranteed Service Levels 2023-2028

Approved service level obligationApproved payment ($)No. 2023/24
Subject to exclusions, if there are more than two unplanned interruptions to the service supplying
water to the customer’s property in any 12-month period
Subject to exclusions, if there is a sewage spill in a customer’s house5007
Subject to exclusions, if there is a sewage spill on a customer’s property10049
If Wannon Water restricts the water supply of, or takes legal action against, a residential customer prior to taking reasonable endeavours to contact the customer and provide information about help that is available if the customer is experiencing difficulties paying3000

Customer service performance indicators 2023-2028

Our Key Performance Indicators and targets for the five-year period from July 2023 to June 2028 have been approved by the ESC and are included in our Customer Charter.