Guaranteed service levels

We aim to supply you with reliable services each and every day, but interruptions do happen.

Sometimes we’ll need to interrupt your service when we’re working on our pipes or other assets. We’ll let you know about this in advance. At other times, the interruption will be unplanned due to things like burst mains or damaged pipes.

We have service standards for typical customers that we aim to meet or exceed. To helps ensure you experience acceptable levels of service. The Essential Services Commission (ESC) has approved these standards.

Residential customers who experience service levels less than the Guaranteed Service Level (GSL) thresholds, will get an automatic rebate on their bill.

Water service standards

These standards cover minimum flow rates based on the size of your water meter. The flow is measured at your meter or at the tap closest to your meter. This is because your private pipes and plumbing may be undersize or corroded which can impact the flow rate inside your property.

Sewerage service standards

These standards outline the maximum number of sewer blockages you should expect to receive in a 12-month period. They also cover the average and maximum time we take to attend, fix and contain sewer spills and blockages.