Corporate governance
Price Submission

Our five-year plan that sets out our priorities, the services we’ll provide, and prices that customers will pay from 2023 to 2028.
Corporate governance
Privacy Charter

This charter explains how we handle personal information and the 10 information privacy principles in plain English terms.
Corporate governance
Procurement Policy

This policy helps to ensure we meet governance and transparency principles, comply with legislation and achieve value for money outcomes when purchasing goods or services.
Action Plan
Corporate governance
Reconciliation Action Plan

Our commitment to delivering genuine and meaningful actions and outcomes as we work in partnership with Elders and Traditional Custodians in our region.
Roadmap to Net-zero

We embrace our responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with our business and to influence others to do the same.
Sewerage services
Trade Waste Customer Charter

This charter provides customers with consistent, transparent and timely decision making for trade waste applications and management.
Sewerage services
Trade Waste Management Policy

This policy sets the requirements and management procedures in relation to trade waste.
Water services
Urban Water Strategy

This strategy ensures that our long-term planning and investment in urban water services is effective and efficient.
Water services
Water Quality Report

This report provides an overview of our supply system, risk management processes, and water quality performance for the financial year.