
Urban Water Strategy

A blueprint for supplying water to our growing community.

We service South West Victoria, making us the second largest regional water corporation in the state by area.

We have 14 water supply systems, servicing 34 towns and a regional population of more than 100,000. Each day, we supply more than 30 million litres of drinking water to 44,000 customers.

We are confident in our water supply and demand outlook for guiding our future decisions, however we are aware there is room for circumstances to change over time. While our teams continuously monitor water use and storage levels, we also look at potential risks to our services and how they can be managed or mitigated.

Climate change, bushfires, floods, droughts, a change in population or industry demands, water quality events, the failure of key infrastructure, and changes to water markets and licensing are some of the threats that we have considered.

Our response and contingencies include long-term planning, drought and bushfire preparedness plans, emergency response plans, asset performance monitoring and investment, back-up equipment, by-pass systems, water demand modelling and engagement with key industry and community groups.

Urban Water Strategy • PDF • 6.64 MB
Publication subject
Water services
Publication date
June 2022