The Otway Water Supply System

We want to provide high quality, safe drinking water for our community. That’s why it’s essential to manage and protect our catchments.

Catchments are areas of land where rainfall collects in rivers and streams or seeps into the soil to become groundwater. If your property drains to a point where raw water is drawn for drinking water purposes, you live in a drinking water catchment.

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, Declared Special Areas (Water Supply Catchments) recognise designated catchments used for water supply purposes.

Our Otway Water Supply System is a Declared Special Area.

Planning permit applications

It’s vital that we protect our drinking water supplies from the impacts of onsite wastewater treatment systems (e.g. septic tanks). That’s why the Colac Otway Shire refers any planning permit applications for new land use or development in the Otway water supply area to us for comment.

We’ll assess the potential impact on the catchment and provide advice. We have specific requirements for the location, specifications and maintenance of onsite wastewater systems.

Catchment map