Water and sewerage connections
Connecting and disconnecting to our water and sewer network.
Property connections
Connect, or alter a connection to our water and sewerage network.
Locating water and sewer assets
Find water and sewer assets before you build or renovate.
Apply for a water pressure and flow test
Complete our online application to request a pressure and flow test.
Backflow prevention
Find out how we’ll assess and prevent backflow from your property.
Hire a metered hydrant
Find out how to hire a metered hydrant.
Serviced properties
Details of properties that have been supplied with water or sewerage services.
Fire services
Find out your responsibilities to install and maintain a fire service.
Plumber bookings
Make a booking for an inspection, sewer cut-in or water tapping connection.
Building and renovating
Getting ready for a renovation or new build. Then find the information you need to get connected.