What’s a metered hydrant?

Metered hydrants are often used by customers who need water for certain activities (e.g. roadworks, tree watering) but they have limited access to a nearby supply.

You’ll need to hire a metered hydrant if you want to obtain water from one of our designated hydrant locations. You can apply, find a location and download a log sheet below.

Apply for a metered hydrant

Apply online for a metered hydrant. Or contact us if you need help.

Find a hydrant location

You can access water at the following locations without prior approval by using a metered hydrant hired from us.

Need to access water from a location that’s not on this list? You’ll need prior approval so contact us.

Keep a record

Use our log sheet to keep a record of every time you access water using a metered hydrant. You’ll nee to email this to us by the due date we specify. Along with the log sheet, you’ll also need send us photos of the hydrant number and screen.

Metered Hydrant Log Sheet • PDF • 94 KB