
National Water Week

Mon, 21 October 2024
Wannon Water

About the event

The 2024 National Water Week theme is Water for all, inspiring action. It serves as a powerful rally cry for our community to address water’s vital role in the current climate crisis. Together, we will spark a collective movement towards a sustainable water future, taking concrete steps to bring about enduring change.

Poster competition

To help celebrate, Victorian water corporations are once again hosting our popular National Water Week poster competition.

This year’s theme Water for all, inspiring action highlights the important role water plays in bringing individuals and communities together.

Victorian children from early learning through to Year 6 primary level are encouraged to design, draw or paint a poster that demonstrates how water for all, inspires action.

Key dates

  • Entries close: Friday, 5pm on 6 September 2024.
  • Winners will be announced during National Water Week, 21 – 27 October 2024.

Find out more and enter

Visit our competition portal to find out more details and submit your entry.