26 March 2025

Farmland leases open for EOI

Media release
< 1 min read

We’re seeking expressions of interest from people interested in leasing six farms that have access to recycled water for irrigation between October and April each year.

Coordinator Water Recycling Kath Coughlan said the long-term lease agreements supported local businesses by providing access to irrigated farmland that was suitable for various types of farming including sheep, dairy and beef.

The farms are situated in Heywood, Coleraine, Mortlake, Camperdown, Cobden and Terang, and range in size between 42 and 130 hectares.

“We owns 12 reuse farms across our region near our inland sewage treatment plants,” Ms Coghlan said. “The recycled water used on these farms is treated to a safe standard and helps protect our natural water resources from overuse.

“There are several benefits to using recycled water. It reduces not only the amount of treated wastewater discharged into our waterways but also the amount of groundwater needed for irrigation.

“Recycled water also provides free fertiliser for farmland due to its nutrients,” she said.

“We’re committed to finding new markets for recycled water, supporting prospective recycled water customers, and operating our reuse farms in a sustainable way.”

Specialist management and regular monitoring are needed when using recycled water for irrigation. “We provide training and regular support for our recycled water customers to ensure their safe and sustainable use and to make sure we meet Environment Protection Authority requirements.”

She urged interested applicants to email us at info@wannonwater.com.au or call directly on 1300 926 666 for detailed information packs and EOI forms. The EOIs close on Friday 4 April at 5pm.