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Being water smart

We’re fortunate to have a diverse range of water supplies which have proven to be reliable and secure, even during extended periods of drought.

Nonetheless, our customers are increasingly discussing a link between water and the impacts of climate change. That’s why we proactively promote water sustainability, regardless of whether water restrictions are on the horizon for our region or not.

Guiding sustainable water use

We’ve established a Sustainable Water Use Working Group to help guide our commitment to develop and implement programs for the sustainable and efficient use of water. The focus of this group is to:

  • Review trends and data to identify groups to target for water efficiency messaging.
  • Determine water efficiency campaigns and programs.
  • Set priorities and actions.
  • Ensure our strategic objectives and commitments are met.

Water Smart digital metering program

We’re funded by DEECA to manage a program called WaterSmart, a non-residential digital metering program. Over the next few years, we hope this program can help us and our non-residential customers identify and fix water leaks and discover areas where water can be used more efficiently.

High water users across our region are seeing the benefits of a free program where digital water monitoring devices have quickly alerted them to leaks.

The Victorian Government’s WaterSmart Program is supporting our non-residential customers to improve water efficiency and save money. The program targets organisations such as hospitals, aged care providers, caravan parks, and businesses.

Eligible organisations can install digital loggers to see how much water their site is using on a day-to-day basis. They also get email alerts as soon as the loggers detect any abnormal water use. This helps identify potential leaks or malfunctioning equipment.

If you’re a non-residential customer interested in this program, then contact us on 1300 926 666.

Every Drop Counts

As the demand for water increases, it’s important that, as a community, we all work together to manage and save our precious water supply. That’s why we’ve created our Every Drop Counts water smart campaign – calling on our customers to look at how they use water at home or work and to learn how to be water wise.

We have resources for the workplace and at home – providing practical and easy water saving tips.

Warrnambool Roof Water Harvesting Scheme

Our innovative Roof Water Harvesting System is a leading example of integrated water management.

We ‘harvest’ rainwater from rooftops that would otherwise go into the stormwater drain. Rainwater is a valuable resource and can support more liveable and sustainable cities.

In a natural catchment, rain falls on vegetation and infiltrates gradually. A lot of the rain in urban catchments covered by concrete, asphalt and carparks, can’t infiltrate naturally, causing high stormwater flows, scouring of waterways and flooding. Our harvesting scheme recognises rainwater as a valuable resource and reduces these urban run-off problems.

The scheme is progressively being expanded as development occurs in Warrnambool’s main north-east growth corridor over the next 30 years. Eventually, the roofs of up to 4,000 new homes will form an urban catchment that is expected to contribute 620 megalitres of water each year into the Brierly Basin and then be treated at the Warrnambool Water Treatment Plant for urban drinking water. This represents eight per cent of the water sourced from the Otways for the Warrnambool area.

We’re very proud of this innovative scheme, a first in Australia.