Faults, interruptions and works
Find an outage, report a fault, or find information about damage to your water meter or property.
How can we help?
Experiencing an outage? Want to know where our works are happening? Or, maybe you’re having trouble with you water meter? You can find all you need to know here.

Service outages and works
Search for current service interruptions and future work.

Report a fault, leak or burst
Notice a water or sewer problem? Report it to us day or night.

Planned maintenance
Our regular maintenance and testing ensures a safe and reliable water supply.

Frozen pipes and meters
Water meters and pipes can be affected by the cold to the point where your water might stop running.

Damaged water meters
Problem with your water meter? Find out what to do.

Blocked sewers
Block sewer pipe? Find out how to get your sewer flowing again.

Damage to your property
If your property has been damaged due to a burst water main or sewer overflow, we’re here to help.

Protect your pipes
Find out how to look after your drains to ensure the pipes keep flowing.