Providing a safe, reliable water supply

We regularly undertake maintenance on our water network to make sure we provide a safe, reliable water supply.

Sometimes, this means we need to interrupt the water supply for short periods. When this happens, we issue a notice to those affected at least two business days before the outage.

When there’s a planned outage, make sure you store enough water to meet your needs (e.g. for drinking or hand washing).

If you rely on a constant water supply (e.g. for dialysis) then please contact us.

Things to keep in mind

Heating and cooling systems that rely on water can be affected when there’s an outage. So, use the system manual to ensure safe operation during an interruption.

When the supply returns, your water may be discoloured or cloudy. If this is the case, please run a tap for a minute or two until the water becomes clear. You can collect this water in buckets for use in the garden. Please note, we do not recommend using hot water while the supply is clearing.

We also might need to flush the water mains to restore water quality. Any loss of water will be minor and put to good use where possible.

Find an outage

Visit our service outages page to find current outages and planned works.