Koroit Street, Redford Street and Timor Street, Warrnambool
Start date
April 2024
Estimated duration
Three months
  • Warnambool

What’s happening?

We’re upgrading the water main along part of Koroit Street, Redford Street and Timor Street in Warrnambool.

The work will ensure we can continue to provide high quality drinking water and reliable services well into the future.

Traffic interruptions and property access

Traffic control will be in place along the streets as works progress. There’ll be some interruptions to traffic between 7am and 5pm from Monday to Friday so please take care when travelling in the area. We aim to get you moving again as quickly as possible.

There should be minimal impact on parking and property access throughout the works.

We’d like to thank residents and passing motorists for their understanding and patience while these essential works are completed.