What is trade waste?

‘Trade waste’ is the term given to waterborne waste other than sewage produced by industry and businesses that is discharged through our sewerage network. It often contains substances that have to be carefully disposed of such as chemicals, grease, fats and oils.

Trade waste needs to be properly managed as blockages and overflows can create serious health and safety hazards and disrupt the treatment process. If your business produces and discharges trade waste, you’ll need a trade waste agreement.

Our Statement of Approved Trade Waste Acceptance Criteria details the trade waste we accept into our system and any conditions which must be met.

Trade waste agreements

All customers who dispose of trade waste must enter into a Trade Waste Agreement before they discharge into our sewerage system. This ensures you are complying with Section 178 of the Water Act 1989 and that no harmful substances are entering the sewerage system.

If you’re a new owner or tenant of a property that has existing trade waste requirements. You will need to enter into a Trade Waste Agreement regardless of if previous owners or tenants had an agreement in place

Types of agreements

Business customers

Business customers discharge small quantities of trade waste to our sewerage system that’s a similar nature to domestic sewage. They don’t require pre-treatment device or warrant a formal trade waste agreement that comes with additional administration and monitoring.

 We don’t require an agreement and reduced trade waste charges will apply.

 Businesses that we would classify in this category are typically:

  • Hairdressers and beauticians
  • Dry cleaners
  • Florists

We will notify customers if they have entered into a default trade waste agreement

Commercial customers

Previously known as Trade waste (pre-treatment) customers.

Commercial customers generate trade waste that is a different strength or composition to domestic sewage.

This means they’ll need to install pre-treatment equipment before the trade waste is discharged to our sewerage system.

A list of businesses that we would classify in this category can be found here with a selection below;

  • Hospitals and aged care homes
  • Restaurants, cafes and takeaway food outlets
  • Hotels and motels
  • Car washes
  • Mechanical workshops
  • Service stations
  • Laundromats
  • Dog washes
  • Vet clinics
  • Medical and dental surgeries

Industrial customers

Previously known as major trade waste customers.

Industrial customers generate a complex flow and/or load of trade waste. This requires a higher degree of monitoring, extra equipment, and more advanced pre-treatment before it’s discharged to our sewerage system.

Industrial Trade Waste Agreements include conditions for the particular trade waste being discharged. Major customers must also complete a Trade Waste Management Plan.

Examples of major trade waste customers are:

  • Dairy processors
  • Abattoirs
  • Pharmaceutical industries
  • Saleyards

Pre-treatment equipment

Some customers will be required to fit pre-treatment equipment such as grease interceptors, cooling pits or screens, before they discharge their trade waste.

Installing and maintaining pre-treatment equipment helps to:

  • Protect the operation of the sewage treatment plant.
  • Maximise the life of sewer pipes, including the plumbing inside your property.
  • Prevent costly blockages and expensive downtime.
  • Provide a safer working environment for you, your employees and people working in and around the sewerage network.

Take a look at our specification guidelines to help choosing the right device. The approved device will be listed in the Commercial Trade Waste Agreement along with any conditions relating to its operation and maintenance

A certified liquid waste contractor must maintain these devices according to the schedule set out in your agreement (e.g. quarterly, annually). We conduct regular audits of the maintenance requirements.