Our obligations

Under our customer charter, we have to provide a minimum flow rate of 20 litres per minute for a 20-millimetre water connection (most houses will have a connection this size). This flow rate is measured at your water meter or the closest tap to the meter.

Understanding water pressure

Water pressure is measured in kilopascals (kPa). To help understand what this means, every 10 kilopascals is roughly equal to one metre of head. For instance, imagine if you had a water tank on a stand at your house. All you’d have to do is multiply the height of the water tank by 10 to work out what your water pressure is in kPa. For example, if your water tank is five metres above your house, the water pressure at your house would be about 50kPa.

In our systems, each house does not have its own water tank to provide water pressure. Instead, it’s usually made possible through one of our elevated water tanks located at the top of a tower or stand, or from a reservoir*. These water towers and reservoirs are usually somewhere between 20 and 100 metres above the height of your house. This means that the water pressure delivered by the water tower or reservoir will be somewhere between 200kPa and 1,000kPa. However, there are also many other things that can impact the actual pressure at your property. We explain these below.

*Note – in places without water towers or reservoirs, water pressure can be provided via a pumped system.

Water pressure and flow

The flow of water can drop for a range of reasons when it travels from the water meter to your shower, garden taps, kitchen sink and hot water service. We’ve grouped them below according to whether they are your responsibility or our responsibility.

Your responsibility

Our responsibility

Things to consider when building or renovating

The water flow at your water meter doesn’t fluctuate very much throughout the day. If you’re planning a new house or renovation, consider asking your plumber to do a test and then design your new pipe sizes to ensure you get an acceptable water flow to all of your water appliances in and around your house.

It’s just like us with our water mains. We design and build them with sufficient size so that we can ensure all customers receive at least 20 litres per minute from a 20mm connection.